It's finally springtime in Burlington, Vermont. (I think.)
The warm weather has me thinking about getting outside for arts and crafts festivals here and in Atlanta. I've put in applications for both the Queen City Craft Bazaar here in VT and the Indie Craft Experience in Atlanta.
According to the
Queen City Craft blog, the deadline for the QCCB has been extended (again) to Monday, March 30th. I really hope that there's a good turn out this year . I think the QCCB in 2007 was when I first realized that I might actually be able to make good money selling Jamilary. So, I was quite disappointed that it wasn't held last year. This one is an indoor market, which is fine by me because I don't have a canopy and outdoor market gear in VT.
Applications for the
Indie Craft Experience are due on April 17th. Despite the fact that last summer's ICE was anti-ice (
It was hot as hell!) I would be so honored to be a part of this year's
two day show. Alright, I'm schmoozing a bit, I guess.
But seriously, indie crafters are feeling the brunt of the recession just like anyone else. I've been trying to think of creative ways to market Jamilary while thinking of creative ways to graduate from my program with my sanity. School has definitely been winning out during the past few months (not in the battle with my sanity but in the battle with Jamilary). Festivals and markets allow me to set aside time for my craft, though. And more importantly, they give me the opportunity to interact with potential customers. Etsy gives me some ideas about my most popular items, but seeing which items people gravitate towards in person informs me more. Plus, as my mom says, "You've got to touch the jewelry. You've got to hold it to appreciate it."
Do you know of other venues where people can touch and hold Jamilary? Which shows have you enjoyed participating in or attending?