Friday, April 18, 2008

15 Facts About Me

I was checking out blogs today, and got the idea of this blog from littlelotusdesign's blog. I sound like such a thief lately, but hey I give credit (and links to pages) where due. Blame it on my being a blog newbie...or blame it on the creativity of the bloggers I mention. Anyhow...

1. I look like this.

2. I'm from Atlanta and miss it dearly.

3. I was born on my mom's birthday. Which is next month, by the way. May 24th, to be exact.

4. I'm really thrifty with money. Okay, okay. I'm cheap.

5. I've been to 45 states (all except N. Dakota, Montana, Oregon, Wyoming, & Idaho)

6. My favorite magazines are Real Simple and Vibe.

7. My dog, Angus, turned 15 this year. He may not be able to see or hear anymore, but that's my baby.

8. I like TV. Don't judge me.

9. I read magazines from the back cover to the front.

10. Loud people make me uncomfortable.

11. I am a woman, not a girl. Refer to me as such, please.

12. Among my least favorite words are "awesome" and "ghetto."

13. I don't eat meat. (Yes, that includes fish. Yes, that includes chicken. Yes, someone has actually asked me that.)

14. I watch some part of "The Today Show" everyday.

15. During college, I was a radio DJ ("on-air personality"). My DJ name? Cocoacure.

Okay, maybe I was thinking too hard, but that was more difficult than I thought it'd be. You try it!


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh your dog is adorable!

: )

Jamilary - beaded creations by Jamila Thomas said...

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

You didn't tell them that you became a published poet in first grade by winning third place in a county-wide poetry contest or that you were an AP Distinguished Scholar and the mascot in high school. Honestly, Woman, I think my job as your #1 Cheerleader is safe. Do you remember when you were two years old and sitting on a pillow in a chair in front of our computer and you turned around and said, "Daddy, will you boot the disk?" You nearly floored your computer illiterate Mom and now here she is adding to your blog. What a world, what a world! ~Mommy

Jamilary - beaded creations by Jamila Thomas said...

Um, since it would be unethical to delete a comment made by mom, consider this addendum:

16 Facts About Me
16. My mom is my biggest cheerleader.